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SMS History
ID Device Contact Message content Date of sending/receiving Status Action
127 Sony Work Lillian (+48 564 615 270) Android SMS Gateway 27.07.2024 06:04:35 Sent
315 HTC Home Penelope (+48 735 298 129) SMS Gateway Android PHP 27.07.2024 08:52:08 Sent
439 Samsung Work Lillian (+48 418 475 781) Messaging API Android 27.07.2024 06:27:02 Sent
266 Alcatel Home Mateo (+48 184 019 146) Receive SMS through API 27.07.2024 08:16:38 Sent
185 Alcatel Work Scarlett (+48 126 373 200) Android send SMS to multiple contacts programmatically 27.07.2024 05:32:20 Sent
211 Sony Home Jackson (+48 622 628 566) Android send SMS to multiple contacts programmatically 27.07.2024 09:07:14 Sent
228 Lenovo Work Lily (+48 582 346 393) Receive SMS via API 27.07.2024 04:57:50 Sent
483 Lenovo Work Amelia (+48 731 835 384) Receive SMS via API Android 27.07.2024 06:43:10 Sent
144 LG Work Owen (+48 516 869 514) Messaging API Android 27.07.2024 07:00:20 Sent
494 LG Home Eleanor (+48 799 396 299) Messaging API Android 27.07.2024 07:53:56 Sent
207 Lenovo Work Lucas (+48 403 653 145) Web SMS Gateway 27.07.2024 04:57:50 Sent
150 Alcatel Work Mila (+48 696 312 013) Android Recieve SMS HTTP 27.07.2024 08:19:41 Sent
224 LG Home Mia (+48 455 170 578) Multi SMS Sender 27.07.2024 00:38:20 Sent
283 Sony Home Victoria (+48 881 899 939) Android SMS Gateway 27.07.2024 05:03:26 Sent
181 Alcatel Work Aiden (+48 855 261 364) SMS Gateway Android PHP 27.07.2024 09:00:50 Sent
31 Sony Work Grace (+48 172 072 299) Android send SMS to multiple contacts programmatically 27.07.2024 05:32:46 Sent
367 Samsung Home Lincoln (+48 899 430 363) SMS Gateway solution 27.07.2024 02:13:06 Sent
436 Xiaomi Home Layla (+48 483 432 828) Receive SMS via API Android 27.07.2024 08:45:02 Sent
340 HTC Work Oliver (+48 389 111 917) Gateway Android 27.07.2024 08:16:40 Sent
23 Lenovo Work Luna (+48 717 356 936) Messaging API Android 26.07.2024 19:13:26 Sent