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Current, ready-made libraries can be found on GitHub.

See the API documentation below and FAQ.

Send message to number
API Endpoint
Method: POST
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
number YES String The number to send the message to
message YES String The content of the message to be sent
device YES Number The ID of device you wish to send the message from
send_at NO Number Time to send the message in Unix Time format (e.g. 1729597944)
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $number = '+48123456789';
    • $message = 'Hello World!';
    • $device = 6;
    • $options = [
      • 'send_at' => strtotime('+30 minutes') // Send the message in 30 minutes
    • ];
    • $result = $bulkSms->sendMessageToNumber($number, $message, $device, $options);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Send message to many numbers
API Endpoint
Method: POST
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
number YES String[ ] An array containing the numbers the message is to be sent to
message YES String The content of the message to be sent
device YES Number The ID of device you wish to send the message from
send_at NO Number Time to send the message in Unix Time format (e.g. 1729597944)
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $number = ['+48123456789', '+48987654321'];
    • $message = 'Hello World!';
    • $device = 1;
    • $options = [
      • 'send_at' => strtotime('+30 minutes') // Send the message in 30 minutes
    • ];
    • $result = $bulkSms->sendMessageToManyNumbers($number, $message, $device, $options);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Send message to contact
API Endpoint
Method: POST
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
contact YES Number The contact ID to send the message to
message YES String The content of the message to be sent
device YES Number The ID of device you wish to send the message from
send_at NO Number Time to send the message in Unix Time format (e.g. 1729597944)
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $contact = 8;
    • $message = 'Hello World!';
    • $device = 3;
    • $options = [
      • 'send_at' => strtotime('+30 minutes') // Send the message in 30 minutes
    • ];
    • $result = $bulkSms->sendMessageToContact($contact, $message, $device, $options);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Send message to many contacts
API Endpoint
Method: POST
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
contact YES Number[ ] An array containing the contacts the message is to be sent to
message YES String The content of the message to be sent
device YES Number The ID of device you wish to send the message from
send_at NO Number Time to send the message in Unix Time format (e.g. 1729597944)
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $contact = [4, 8];
    • $message = 'Hello World!';
    • $device = 6;
    • $options = [
      • 'send_at' => strtotime('+30 minutes') // Send the message in 30 minutes
    • ];
    • $result = $bulkSms->sendMessageToManyContacts($contact, $message, $device, $options);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
List of messages
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description Default
token YES String Your API token
page NO Number The page number (500 results per page) 1
type NO String Possible options:
• 'sent'
• 'received'
contact NO Number ID of the contact NULL
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $page = 8;
    • $options = [
      • 'type' => 'received', // or 'sent'. Define only if you want to download sent or received SMS separately
      • 'contact' => 72 // Define only if you want to download a conversation with 1 contact
    • ];
    • $result = $bulkSms->getMessages($page, $options);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Fetch single message
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
id YES Number ID of the message
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $id = 2;
    • $result = $bulkSms->getMessage($id);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
List of contacts
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description Default
token YES String Your API token
page NO Number The page number (500 results per page) 1
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $page = 3;
    • $result = $bulkSms->getContacts($page);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Fetch single message
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
id YES Number ID of the contact
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $id = 3;
    • $result = $bulkSms->getContact($id);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
List of devices
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description Default
token YES String Your API token
page NO Number The page number (500 results per page) 1
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $page = 6;
    • $result = $bulkSms->getDevices($page);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.
Fetch single device
API Endpoint
Method: GET
Data type: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
token YES String Your API token
id YES Number ID of the device
Success Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
Failed Response
Status Code: 200 OK
Content Type: application/json
Output format: See example
  1. <?php
    • include 'bulkSms.php';
    • $bulkSms = new bulkSms('token');
    • $id = 9;
    • $result = $bulkSms->getDevice($id);
  4. ?>

Success Example:

  1. // We're working on it.

Error Example:

  1. // We're working on it.